Art and Hope at the End of the Tunnel @ USC Fisher Museum of Art through Dec 9, 2021

I’m honored to be included in a beautiful group exhibition at USC Fisher Museum of Art. Curated by Edward Goldman, “Art and Hope at the End of the Tunnel” features work by LA artists responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apophatic Quilt is a discarded quilt that I repaired with gold thread and embellished on the backside with the phrases, “not this” and “not not this.”

Apophatic theology is describing the divine or sacred by what it is not. This conceptual practice is present in many traditions. I am a student of Zen, and in our tradition, we do not stop with ‘not this.’ What is ‘not this’ is also ‘not not this.’ Everything is empty of a separate existence, a separate self, and therefore what is “not” also “is.” I felt compelled to embroider these two phrases across the entire quilt as an offering, a prayer.

You can see the quilt, along with the work of a number of wonderful artists, at the Fisher Museum through December 9, 2021.

Apophatic Quilt, 2021

October 19, 2021