
Collages and collage drawings made during quarantine 2020.

COLLAGES 2014-2019


Collages made from new and vintage magazines and scotch tape. All text and images come from the source magazines. 2014-2019.



Image/text collages made from vintage TV Guides (1968-1982) and scotch tape. All of the text and images come from TV Guides and all scribbles and writing on the pages were done by the magazines’ original owners. The collages are constructions made from the discarded remnants of popular culture and are inherently nostalgic. Some are absurd while others are profound. Revealing shifting roles and expectations, and the disconnect between invented images and reality, they are infused with the disappointment and regret that often comes with nostalgia. I am interested in the intersection of the political, the personal, and the absurd, and therefore a number of the collages are pointedly sardonic and ridiculous. The collages are held together with scotch tape and are presented with all of the flaws inherent in vintage magazines. Shown here are 50 of the 150 collages in the series.



After seeing the Richard Hawkins exhibit at the Art Institute a few years ago, I came home eager to make some image/text collages. I had a copy of Esopus magazine's Television issue and decided to cut it up. I cut out phrases, words, titles, etc., and images that I found interesting, and put them all on a table and began to mix and match, writing poems with the remnants and pairing them with images, whole and sliced up, to form these collages. I had such a great time making them I ordered a bunch of vintage TV Guides from eBay and set to work on a larger, more extensive series.