UNTITLED (House) @ IL State Museum Lockport, Opening Oct. 28, 2018

Incredibly honored to have “Warm Bones (For Agnes Martin)” included in UNTITLED (House), an exhibition of the Diane and Browne Goodwin Family Art Collection at the Illinois State Museum, Lockport Gallery. The quilt is a damaged and discarded worker’s quilt that I’ve inadequately repaired with gold straight stitches. The gold thread is old-new stock from Japan and was once used to make the shimmery gold elements in kimono and obi. It is incredibly delicate and breaks easily, as it’s made of paper with gold leaf pressed on it. The exhibition includes work by wonderful artists and friends, including Joanne Aono, Robert Burnier, and Sherri Denault, and is curated by Lauren Ball, Erik Wenzel, Gwen Zabicki, and Robin Dluzen. Opening reception is October 28, 2-5PM.

October 24, 2018